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胡叨叨 发表于 2015-4-4 11:30:00 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
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Keeping and Breeding Altolamprologus(喷点珍珠虎的喂养)
by John Monk

There is a lot to be said for a specialized genus such as Altolamprologus. In 1975 a "compressicep" was caught that looked different from the yellow compressiceps already in the bucket. What is this steel gray morph wondered Piere Brichard? It was only after a couple of years that it was discovered to be a different species. The new "morph" lacked the scales on the top of the head. It also was more streamlined and less bulky. The name calvus came from the latin word for baldy. This article will deal with the species calvus because it is the species that I have kept and bred for over ten years. I have kept A. compressiceps but not as extensively. For the most part, any statements will work for both species.

关于喷点珍珠虎的种有很多种说法。1975年,一条体色为稍代蓝色的灰色的”compressicep”种珍珠虎被捕捉到,但是它和以前已经圈养的黄色系compressicep种有明显区别,这使Piere Brichard感到很惊讶。几年后,它被确定为一个新品种。这个变种的头部顶端缺乏鳞片,体型更大,流线型更强。它被命名为“calvus”,来自拉丁文“baldy(秃子)”。这篇文章将讨论calvus种,这个我喂养了超过10年的品种。我曾经喂养过compressicep种珍珠虎,但是数量不是很多。本文大部分的观点都适用于这两个种。

Altolamprologus calvus are first of all a wonderful Tanganyikan community fish. They seem to have a way of "turning" away aggressors by bending a little to expose their sharp scales that sort of stick out when the fish is bent. What makes it a good community fish is its non-aggressive behavior toward tank mates. It eats mostly fry from other fish in the wild so it stays inconspicuous and conserves energy until it sees its pray and in an instant can dart almost faster than the eye can see. This skill does make it difficult to breed other fish with these "fry magnets" around but I'll get into that later. Any advice or recommendations that I give on breeding or well-being are things that have worked for me for a long time. These things may not work for everyone.

Calvus种珍珠虎是奇妙的坦湖里第一种被发现的群居性鱼类。它有一种独特的方法对付入侵敌人。受到侵犯时,它会将身体作一点点的弯曲,这样可以露出他们锋利的外伸的鳞片。它的非侵略性的习性使得它可以和缸里的同伴混养。野生环境下,喷点珍珠虎基本以捕食其他种类的鱼苗为生。它总是躲在一个隐蔽的地方蓄积能量,以及快的甚至比眼睛观看还快的速度捕食它的猎物。 这种“吸食鱼苗”的本领使得喂养其它的鱼比较困难,我将在后面详细叙述。我所给出的喂养的建议是我长时间的经验之谈,但是也许并不是适用于每个人。

Nutrition - I do not recommend feeding things such as "feeders" that you can get from your local fish store. If you insist on feeding these, I recommend breeding guppies or something along that line. The reason that I do not recommend buying feeders from anywhere is the risk of contaminating your tank with parasites. There are theories that feeding live food will spark the eating of their own fry, however this is not something that I have experimented with. Once calvus are well adjusted they readily eat most flake foods such as brine shrimp flake. There are, however, many foods that they will benefit from. I feed brine shrimp flake at least once a day and usually frozen brine shrimp. I give them occasional blood worms, mysis shrimp, and I try to give them live brine shrimp about twice a month. I usually feed their fry frozen baby brine shrimp, however if you have the time to hatch your own that would be most beneficial.

营养 - 我不推荐大家投喂从鱼店买来的像“feeders”(译者注:应该是一种活饵)这类的饵料。如果你一定要坚持投喂活饵,我倒是建议你喂一些古比鱼(guppy)之类的东西。我不赞同的原因主要是从其他地方买来的活饵可能会污染水体。还有一些说法是:投喂活食可能会引导其吞噬自己的鱼苗,不过我并没做过这样的实验。经过调整的calvus也愿意接受丰年虾做成的薄片饲料。当然,投喂多种成分的饲料,将更会对他们有好处。我至少每天投喂一次薄片和冰冻丰年虾,偶尔也会喂血虫和糠虾,一个月投喂两次活的丰年虾。喷点珍珠虎仔鱼一般用丰年虾的冰冻虾苗喂养。

Sexing - Sexing is extremely difficult to do in juvenile fishes. Your best bet is to buy at least 6 juveniles and trade off any extra males that you have (sexually mature males can become very aggressive toward each other). Try to get the largest one and several smaller ones. Adult calvus tend to have characteristics that can give a good hint as to the sex. Males get larger and usually have a higher forehead whereas the female stays a little more "bullet" shaped. To be absolutly sure you can vent them using a magnifying glass and a flash light. This is better to do with at least sub adults. What you are comparing is the size of the genital papila between the anus and the anal fin. The females will be larger than the male. If you have the same sexes the females genital papila will be larger than the anus, the males will be about the same size.

性别 – 未成熟的喷点珍珠虎区分雌雄非常困难。你只能赌一赌运气,一次性购入6条以上的亚成鱼,而且只能养有一条雄鱼,多余的要处理掉(雄性成鱼之间的打斗非常厉害)。尽量选出一条最大的和几条比较小一点的珍珠虎。成熟的calvus有明显的性别特征,雄性体型较大,前额隆起,反之,雌鱼则保持原来的“子弹”型。要想准确的判断性别(亚成鱼也适用),最好使用放大镜和比较亮的灯,比较他们的臀鳍与肛门之间的生殖孔。雌性的生殖孔明显大于肛门,雄性的生殖孔和肛门差不多大小,对比而言,雌性的生殖孔比雄性的大。

Water - In my opinion this is a very important topic, as I stated earlier this is what works for me. There are people that do very little to their water chemistry and have great success keeping these fish. I prefer to try to keep my water as close to the lake as possible. I do water partials of about 25% weekly and tanks full of fry I may even do 25% twice weekly. Altolamps. do not like big water changes , sudden fluctuations in PH or temperature but they do like very clean water. I like to keep a PH of around 8.8, temperature at around 76 degrees, and Carbonite hardness (KH) around 220 PPM. They are not tolerent to excesive levels of nitrate, therefor their tank should be kept free of wastes by good filtration and "vacuming" the gravel during partials. It is very easy to shock them so be patient when doing something to the water.

水质 – 我认为这是非常重要的主题。有人尽量保持水质化学成分稳定,而且饲养上获得成功。我更宁愿让我的水质接近湖水(原产地),每周换水1/4甚至一周换两次水,结果缸里仍然可以繁殖出小鱼。大量的换水、PH值或温度的骤然震荡对珍珠虎都不好,而且它们喜欢清澈的水质。我一般把PH值控制在8.8左右,温度华氏76度,硬度(KH)220 PPM。珍珠虎不大能忍受过量的硝酸盐,所以水体必须有良好的过滤设备以及沙体。在水体内做什么动作,很容易使它们受到惊吓,并导致疾病。

Breeding - In the wild Altolamps. will spawn using shells or tight openings in rockwork. The female will get out of reach of the male at this time to avoid injury. In captivity it is also important to remember that the female needs refuge at breeding time. Many use shells for their breeding set ups, this works great as does in the wild. In my experience I have tried to come up with a good method of extracting fry without disrupting the entire tank. I use pvc elbows capped on one end which should be large enough for the female but too small for the male to enter. These can easily be taken apart in a big bowl of water to retrieve your fry. It is also easy to see them against the white color when fry are free swimming. Altolamps. can be bred in pairs or in herems. I have had more success with herems with 1 male and around 4 females. I recommend a tank at least 29 gallons with hiding places for every female. I generally try to extract the fry before they leave home. This can be tricky since the length of time from wigglers to free swimmers can vary. (usually between 10 and 14 days). It is usually best to wait until the yolk sack is gone before removing them. If they leave home and venture into the tank they will most likely become food within a short time. I have even observed the mother eating them once they are on there own. Get ready for a long ride waiting for them to mature. It takes a lot of patience and hard work rearing calvus. It is not uncommon for it to take up to 6 months to get them to a 1 inch size. This is the reason that adults bring such a handsome price. It is my experience that males will be larger even at this age. When rearing fry it is very important to weed out the larger ones that could possibly eat the smaller ones, or bully them out of food. This takes at least 3 tanks or a large tank divided into different sections.

饲养 – 野生环境下,珍珠虎产卵需要贝壳或者是口小、腔大的天然岩石群中的洞穴。因为,在雌鱼口孵的这段时间内,它可以隐藏在里面而避免受到雄鱼的伤害。在这段“囚禁”期内,提供必要的躲避掩体供雌鱼进食也是很重要的。许多情况下,这些掩体是贝壳,而且在野外环境下有很大的作用。一个好的材料是PVC的弯头,大小适合雌鱼进出,雄鱼则无法进入,而且能在不弄乱水族箱造景的情况下将幼鱼提取出来。当幼鱼开始游动的时候,因为PVC的白色,也很容易看得出来,此时可连同部分水体一起将幼鱼与水族箱分离。珍珠虎可以成对饲养或群养,我曾经群养过1雄4雌。推荐使用至少29加仑的水体容积,并且需要供雌鱼藏匿的造景。我一般总是在幼鱼没有离开雌鱼的时候,就将其分离出来,一般是在卵开始蠕动到自由游动的期间(通常是10~14天)。最好是在他们的卵黄逐渐消失但是还没有完全消失的时候。否则,一旦他们离开亲鱼游入水体中,很快,就会成为其他鱼类的食物,甚至是他们的母亲也会吞噬自己的幼鱼。做好长时间的准备,培养calvus将花费你很多的耐心和努力,6个月的时间才能使幼鱼生长到1个英寸的长度,这也是成鱼的价格偏高的原因。我的经验呢,这段时间雄性的幼鱼会生长的比较快,注意隔离出偏大的一条,它可能吞噬最小的幼鱼,或者导致弱小个体的紧迫而丧失食物。最少需要3个容器去隔离饲养不同大小的种群。



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